01 Dec '23 - blog / Event report

This is why you should register for the MIMAs

We abbreviate Buma Music in Motion to BMIM. But what does the MIMAs stand for? MIMA doesn’t just stand for anything, but for Music in Media Awards! An annual award show to celebrate the very best music in film, television, radio, documentary, advertising and other media. To be present is to experience! Are you a composer or musician and have you made music for films, games, podcasts, radio, documentaries, advertising or television? Submit your work before January 15, 2024 (= extended deadline), and we might see you in April! Why should you do that? You can see and read that in this article.

Aftermovie 2023

In 2023 we celebrated the very best music in media of 2022. What a party! We don’t want to waste too many words on it. The aftermovie speaks for itself.

Winners Music in Media Awards (MIMAs)

Not yet convinced by the 2023 MIMA aftermovie? Then we are happy to tell you more! We proudly present a random selection from the previous winners.

These composers have won a Music in Media Award in various categories. View the winners and nominees of 2023 here. A number of categories return every year. Every now and then a category is adjusted. Just like in the media world, the award show changes with what is happening in the market. The 2023 categories can be found on the Awards page.

BMIM Awards 2019

Taste the vibe

The online archive extends back to 2017. Fortunately! There were so many wonderful moments during the MIMAs that we like to look back. Not only the Buma Music in Motion team, but also you as a creative in the field can enjoy the previous editions.

Check out the previous editions

But what is in it for you?

Are you submitting your work? Then you have a chance to be nominated. Three composers are nominated per category. This means recognition of the work you have produced! You will also receive a name mention on the Buma Music in Motion site, the social media channels and in the newsletter. Naturally, we also send a press release with all nominees, which ensures even more visibility.

To top it all off, when you are the winner of the category, you receive your well-deserved award on stage. Your work will then be judged as the best in that category by a professional and expert jury! Who doesn’t want that? You will also receive an evening-filling program with like-minded professionals from the field. A wonderful opportunity to expand your network!

Some little extra

Last year the nominees also pitched to the press, which resulted in great articles. Read along (articles are in Dutch):

Get in the mood

Of course, the award show is a party in itself. We don’t want to spill too many words on this either. Check out the photos from previous editions.

BMIM Awards 2019
MIMA sfeerbeeld 2023
Buma MIMA 2023 sfeerfoto

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