Buma Music in Motion Awards 2019

In order to honour and recognise the most successful music composers across a range of media projects, Buma Awards were presented during a special evening held on May 21st 2019 in Tolhuistuin.

BMIM Awards 2019

Celebrating the best music in films, games, podcasts, radio, documentaries, advertising and television.

The Buma Music in Media Awards are the awards for composers and producers who have proven themselves in the previous year with their compositions for or use of music in media. The music composers and producers nominated in twelve categories have been assessed by the expert jury of 27 members.

Buma Music In Media New Talent Award for composers

The nominated composers and producers have been selected by a 27-person jury made up of industry experts, including composer Bob Zimmerman, Golden Calf winner Alex Simu, Jeroen Rietbergen, Kaja Wolffers, Jon Karthaus, Menno de Boer, Martijn Schimmer, and the BMIM New Talent winner from last year Hans Nieuwenhuijsen.

Truly Amazing winners from the 2019 awards

Read the jury report here (Dutch only)

Buma Award Best Original Composition in Film

Daniel Tuparia & Zbigniew Wolny

Wouter van den Boogaard
Buma Award Best Original Composition in Documentary, Short Film, Telefilm and Animation

Wouter van den Boogaard

In de Zomer
Stavros Markonis
Buma Award Best Original Composition in Television Series

Stavros Markonis

Ik Weet Wie Je Bent
Darre van Dijk
Buma Award x Adformatie Best Original Composition in Advertising

Darre van Dijk

Sir Notch
Buma Award x Adformatie Best Sync in Advertising

Sir Notch

Appelsientje met ‘Gimme that sunshine’
Buma Award Best Sync (in Television, Trailers, Film, Online)


Buma Award Best Radio and Television Imaging


UEFA Europa League
Anne Frank Stichting
BMIM New Talent Award

Gijs Knol & Rinkie Bartels

Anne Frank Foundation

Big roung of applouse for our nominees

The jury looked at the best music for film, television, radio, documentary, trailer, podcast and advertising. In each category, three composers and/or compositions were nominated. These were the nominees of BMIM 2019.

Buma Award Best Original Composition in Film

  • Merlijn Snitker

    Bankier van het Verzet

  • David Dramm

    My Foolish Heart

  • Daniel Tuparia & Zbigniew Wolny


Buma Award Best Original Composition in Documentary, Short Film, Telefilm and Animation

  • Wouter van den Boogaard

    In de Zomer

  • Roy Bemelmans


  • Jesse Koolhaas


Buma Award Best Original Composition in Television Series

  • Stavros Markonis

    Ik weet wie je bent (KRO-NCRV)

  • Martijn Schimmer

    Mocro Maffia

  • Merlijn Snitker

    De 12 van Oldenheim

Buma Award x Adformatie Best Original Composition in Advertising

  • MassiveMusic

    BMW Gender Equality

  • Thomas Kalksma

    Hennep Uitvaart

  • Darius Dante

    Koning TOTO

Buma Award x Adformatie Best Sync in Advertising


    Appelsientje – ‘Gimme that sunshine’

  • 3. Wim Sonneveld, Jean Ferrat, Hugo Verhage

    Eneco – ‘Het Dorp’

  • Ellert Driessen

    Vodafone – ‘You and Me’

Buma Award Best Sync (in Television, Trailers, Film, Online)



  • Jochem Weierink

    Jupiter in ‘Bumblebee’

  • Sander van Dijck/San Holo

    The Future in ‘Extinction’

Buma Award Best Radio and Television Imaging

  • Jarin Lourens, Joshua van de Spreng, Remco van Kesteren, Harold Kuiper

    NPO Zappelin

  • KH Music

    NPO 2

  • MassiveMusic

    UEFA Europe League

BMIM New Talent Award



  • Gijs Knol & Rinkie Bartels

    Anne Frank Foundation

  • Stavros Markonis

    Ik weet wie je bent (KRO-NCRV)